
Here is an absolutely unique method – Fa-Maa color therapy. These new systems of Pyramid Colors are developed from integral effect of color, Pyramid Yantra, visualization and deep rhythmic breathing for health and wellness.

Health 9×9 (set of 7)

According to Dr. Hasan Kabir, 3 Fa colors are Red, Orange and Yellow and Maa colors are Green, Blue and Violet. I have developed 6 Health Pyramid color plates and a supporting plate with white color. This is Health 9×9 and it is used as a pair for health and healing.
Normally you use single white plate. But appropriate color plate at the required location and one white plate in Continue Reading…

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Available in 9 colors – Best 6″
Pyramids have been amazing to us. Their cause is a mystery, but there existence is a speckles fact.

Use: To avoid vastu defects, overall growth and prosperity.

INDICATIONS: Restore energy, concentration of mind, peace & harmony, helps to gives more energy to water & milk.

Size: 6″ (available)
Made by Neutron polymer, with another materials. Accurate in dimensions, neutral property, anti-corrosion and long Continue Reading…

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World Famous Astrologer


In every house it is the gracious lady of the house who makes it a home. On her shoulders rest a wide variety of delicate as well as onerous social and, religious responsibilities. These include keeping the house clean, neat and tidy, showing hospitality to guests, worshipping household gods, maintaining tranquility at home, keeping vicious and cruel people at an arm’s length, reverence to elders and Brahmins, vigilance against addiction to evil habits. Therein lies the importance of WOMEN in a Vastu.

Whether in a house or in a palace, maintaining diety is a delicate task .It is also an important duty. However, now Continue Reading…

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